Process Safety & Risk Management Auditing
TrainingHow complete are the PSM / RMP Programs at your facility?
OSHA’s Process Safety Management Standard and EPA’s Risk Management Plan Rule both require facilities to conduct compliance audits of their prevention programs at least every three years. Process Risk trained instructors will help provide the tools for you to answer the compliance question. Our expert instructors stay up to date on the regulator’s latest interpretations, auditing techniques, and areas of focus to bring you real-world knowledge you can bring back to your facility. Gain hands-on experience with our popular workshops and leave our program with the knowledge and tools necessary for an efficient, compliant, and productive audit of your site’s PSM & RMP compliance.
Course Highlights
Learn new skills or enhance existing ones:
- Learn fundamentals of an efficient audit
- Gain insight on OSHA’s auditing methods and focus area
- Practice auditing interviewing with workshops
- Learn how to plan for the next PSM/RMP compliance audit