609-610-7232 info@process-risk.com

PSM / RMP Program Enhancement and Optimization


Companies that handle highly hazardous chemicals in excess of threshold quantities must comply with OSHA’s Process Safety Management (PSM) standard, 29 CFR 1910.119 and EPA’s Risk Management (RM) Program rule, 40 CFR Part 68.

 PSM and RMP are performance-based regulations and compliance with them can change over time as industry practices and regulatory expectations change.  These are different from other specification-based regulations that spell out requirements. Many decisions must be made by companies on how to meet PSM and RMP requirements and what levels of performance are appropriate. As technical improvements are made, OSHA’s and EPA’s expectations for performance increase. Companies must stay abreast of these developments and adjust their programs accordingly. Many companies find it is more cost effective to seek outside expertise when doing so.


Process Risk Services Offered Include:

  • Full development of customized, site-specific PSM and RMP Programs (new or acquired facilities).
  • Enhancement, updates or replacement of any portion of an existing PSM or RMP Program.
  • Complete training and implementation support for associated program elements.
  • Full generation of initial EPA RM Plans and the associated electronic submittal to the EPA.
  • See additional Consulting Services links on this page or in the header menu for details on associated PSM program requirements.